Block all the porn or adult content.
 Now a days child's are getting the ability to unblock the internet filter, but how do the parents stops their kids to unblock the filters?
The Solution is by using OpenDNS

“How do I block people from finding my profile from doing a Facebook search?”

Here’s how to stay out of public searches in Facebook:

Change your online status to offline. This is probably the easiest way to block a friend from chatting with you. By going offline you will be invisible to everyone and stop receiving chat messages from all confirmed friends.

To check the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) Type-
Information you get from the IMEIXXXXXX

If you have a login page like this one, it should be relatively easy to get into. Unless the default administrator account has been changed, all you have to do is type "Administrator" or "administrator" as the user name and the password will be either blank or "password". Then press "OK" and you should be in.

Youtube – You know that site with videos and all. Yeah! It turns out that its quite popular and you happen to visit and use it quite often. Instead of just searching and playing here are some top Youtube URL tricks that you should know about:

If you would like to remove a friend, navigate to the person’s profile and click the "Remove from Friends" link at the bottom of the page.....

Why can't we create folder named 'con' on desktop. Most of users do not know this task. If you want to do this task as normally we create new folders and rename them as we disappeared then try again and make a con folder. let's learn

If you deactivate your account from the "Deactivate Account" section on the Account page, your profile and all information associated with it are immediately made inaccessible to other Facebook users. What this means is that you effectively disappear from the Facebook service.

Computer operating speed is of concern to almost everyone. In a recent series of tests PC SPY identified several programs that were responsible for the biggest cause of system performance slow downs. Number one culprit...

Norton Internet Security which was responsible for slowing down the test computer by a staggering 58 percent.

Here are several other offenders...

- 1000 installed fonts
- Kaspersky Internet Security
- Yahoo Messenger
- AOL Instant Messenger
- McAfee Security Center
Removing or disable these programs and you could see a dramatic increase in speed, without spending any money.

Our suggestion

Remove them.

In the case or Norton, replace it with the Free Windows Defender which can be downloaded from http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/spyware/software/default.mspx


Consider signing up for Microsoft's Windows Live OneCare