If you wanna do various tricks with computer(some call them hack), then knowledge of Batch files is important. Here, I have included "echo,pause,msg and cls"...
This is the most basic tutorial out there, on how to make Batch file with Notepad...If you need any help, just mail me or leave a comment (I'll be glad to help!)

So... moving on here it is:

Before the tutorial (Here are some basics!)

The words in ( ) are just Remarks...They won't Appear!

echo on/off :

To Start off, there is the @echo off/on
and there is echo
and there is pause

Here is an Example!

Type this in Notepad and Save as Test.bat
Launch it

@echo off
echo Hello This is a test

it will look like this!

Hello This is a test
Press any key to continue...

Again open Notepad and Write:

@echo on
echo Hello This is a test

Save it as test2.bat
Launch it...it will look like this!

C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop>echo Hello This is a test
Hello This is a test
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop>pause
Press any key to continue

So therefore...

If you put @echo on it will show the directory as you just saw.
but, if you put @echo off it will just show the words with no directories...understand so far?

Basically it's best to just use @echo off


If you want to type a simple statement just type in echo and something in this case

echo Hello This is a test

Which will show only, Hello This is a test


Pause will pause the Batch file, so that if you Press a Key the Batch will continue in this case it will exit because there is nothing left.

So try this.

@echo off
echo Hello This is a test
echo I am testing pause

This will show...

Hello This is a test
Press Any Key To Continue...
(When you Press a Key it will show...)
I am testing a pause
Press Any key to continue

So that covers the "Pause" Command. Smile

msg and cls:

Now some more commands...

There is msg *
And there is cls
Open Notepad and Write:

@echo off
echo Hello This is a test
echo I am testing pause
msg * The End

Save as test3.bat

This will show...

Hello This is a test
Press Any Key To Continue...
(when you press a key it will show)
(the page will clear)
I am testing a pause
(a pop-up will show saying The End)
Press Any key to continue..

So...cls will just clear the screen
And msg * will bring up a pop-up (Simple right?)

In the next tutorial, I will include "rem,goto,set,start,if"...
3/13/2011 05:15:58 pm

You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success.


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