virus: a software program capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm to files or other programs on the same computer.


Virus Categories:

  • File infector viruses: Infect program files
  • Boot sector viruses: Infect the system area of a disk
  • Master boot record viruses: memory resident viruses that infect disks in the same manner as boot sector viruses
  • Multi-partite viruses: infect both boot records and program files
  • Macro viruses: infect data files, such as Microsoft Office Suite files with macro script capabilities.
The new viruses are harder to eliminate. The cost of cleaning up after a virus infection has risen. According to a latest virus prevalence survey, the average cost to companies was $81,000 with $69,000 in the last survey.

Top 10 viruses in the past 5 years:

Top viruses of 2009:
  1. Netsky.q
  2. Nyzem.e
  3. bagle.gt
  4. Netsky.aa
  5. Scano.gen
  6. Diehard.dg
  7. small.bdj
  8. Mytob.q 
  9. Mydoom.1
  10. Warezov.yi 
Top viruses of 2008:
  1. Windx-Maxtrox
  2. Autoit variants
  3. Malingsi
  4. Recycler variants
  5. Fdshield
  6. Purwo variant
  7. Formalin
  8. Raider.vbs variant
  9. Autorunme variant
  10. Rieysha variant
Top viruses of 2007:
  1. Detnat
  2. Netsky
  3. Mytob
  4. Bagle
  5. MyWife
  6. Virut
  7. Zafi
  8. MyDoom
  9. Lovegate
  10. Bagz

Top viruses of 2006:
  1. Eliles.A worm
  2. Nuwar.A wins
  3. Spanta worms
  4. BarcPhish.HTML
  5. WebMic.A
  6. Nedro.B
  7. FormShared.A
  8. DarkFloppy.A
  9. Gatt.A.
  10. Todd Shriber
Top viruses of 2005:
  1. Zafi-D           
  2. Netsky-P         
  3. Zafi-B           
  4. Netsky-D          
  5. Netsky-Z         
  6. Netsky-B         
  7. N4ytob-Z         
  8. MyDoom-O         
  9. Netsky-C         
  10. Netsky-Q 
Top viruses of 2004:
  1. netsky
  2. objectdata
  3. sober
  4. mime
  5. bagle
  6. lovgate
  7. klez
  8. dumaru
  9. mydoom
  10. mhtredir
Now, how can the viruses be eliminated?  By the antivirus software’s.

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