A strategy game where you grow a small village into an Empire! Join your friends to form mighty clans, raise armies, engage in diplomacy, conquer and defend together. ~RealmofEmpires.com
I’ve been a game addict on Facebook ever since I signed up years ago. I constantly play games like Mafia Wars, Tetris, and Bejeweled Blitz. Recently one of my guitar students that was new to Facebook requested I join a game called Realm of Empires. And thus spawned a new interest in the world of MMORTG (Massively Multiplayer Online Real-Time 1stVillageOverviewnewvillageStrategy Game).

So once you start the game you have a choice of player name and village name. I chose SirShizzleBritches as my player name and Garbageville for my village name. Why? I don’t know. My village was placed in the Southwest Quadrant out along the rim of Realm 3. (There are multiple Realms).  Way way way way out along the rim LOL. So you start off the game with very little resources. A nice tutorial guides navigates you through gameplay and all functions relevant to your success. The tutorial includes quests where you learn how to use your game menus and understand where all your in-game tools are. As a bonus, you are rewarded with some fresh cheese in the form of GOLD!  Instant gratification for learning! I’m hooked already!

Once I started playing and queuing up all the buildings that needed upgraded (HQ,  silver mine, barracks, stable, farm land, etc…) recruiting  my army (citizen militia, light infantry, spies, knights, rams, trebuchets, and light cavalry), I began receiving messages from kind folks who appeared to be my neighbors on the map. They welcomed me and whatnot and the tutorial quest suggested that I join a clan. I figured that being so new to the game I could be annihilated within 2-3 seconds of an attack. Joining a clan gives you the ability to call on support or support those who need help from attacks and whatnot. Pretty cool comradeship you don’t see with most Facebook games ya know? I joined a clan and read through the forums where I learned valuable techniques on attacking villages of inactive players and Infantrydefending against enemy clans.

Only a few days active and I already have  a solid grasp on how to play. Oh, and the best part is… the game continues 24/7 while you’re actually out having a life. It’s setup to be played only a few minutes a day. You simply queue up your building/upgrade schedule, queue your troop recruitment and watch your village change into an empire! Pretty F’n sweet!

I know I’ll be playing this game for a long time, especially as the game evolves and more of my friends become interested in it. Kudos to the creator of such a great Facebook game! Definitely give it a chance if you’re into the Strategy genre!

Source: www.mikeinwv.com

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